Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcome.... To My Mind!

Hey everyone!

     My name is Matthew, and I've been feeling the need to jot down all of the craziness that goes on inside my head, in the hopes that it will benefit at least some one - even if it is just a sympathy laugh. So let's see. I've been working on some new music, a few acoustic guitar lines and some lyrics. Maybe I'll post some of that on here if I ever get the opportunity to make a record. I got my learner's permit to drive today! Look out world, another crazy kid out on those streets. Watch yourself. Oddly, I've run out of things to talk about. Hmm.... How about I make a little journal entry.

           Dear Diary, JOURNAL,
     I started a blog today! I will be posting on it every once in awhile to keep my peoples updated. I'm thinking... Every Tuesday and Thursday? Yes. That will do, Pig.
Ta ta for now,

     Well that wasn't too mushy! Im excited! Anyways, check back every Tuesday and Thursday for some stuff that will actually be CRAZY and not just reaching for funny-ness (is that a word?)
Till then,
Darth Vader

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